How to Be an Egyptian Queen to Others
Egyptian queens were said to be clever and beautiful, but most of all incredibly powerful. People belived they were godesses. Here are a few tips to make sure that your friends and family recognise that, deep down, you are an Egyptian Queen too. Steps Look the part. Float around in a white tunic, strappy sandals and dozens of bracelets. Most female pharaohs also wore a false beard - that's one tradition you might want to avoid. Egypt was a hot country, so nudity was completely normal and even royalty wore as little as possible. Your clothing should be made of linen or cotton and very light. If you can get away with it, don't wear a top. Wear lots of make-up. Especially lots of heavy black eyeliner (learn to apply kohl) and a little bit of green eyeshadow. Male and female Egyptians wore eye makeup to repel flies. The green color comes from malachite powder. Personal appearance was so important that jars of makeup were put in tombs so the dead would have them in the next...